Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
CTY Home
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Knowledge base
General Information
CTY for high school students
CTY accreditation
Earning college credit for a CTY course
Ordering an official academic record
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Additional CTY Policies
Adjudication procedures for Title IX sexual and sex-based misconduct involving CTY participants
Testing/Getting started with CTY
Fee to join CTY
Getting Started
The CTY Talent Search
Getting started with CTY
Testing and eligibility for high school students
Grade to enter for your child when completing a Talent Search application
Submitting existing test scores for CTY eligibility
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Online SCAT/Remote Testing
Online SCAT and CTY program eligibility
Online SCAT test accommodations for students who have a documented disability
FERPA protection for Online SCAT video recordings
Sharing Online SCAT scores with your child’s school
Testing with Prometric
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How to schedule a test
Scheduling a test at a Prometric center in China or elsewhere in East Asia
Choosing a test
Minimum scores needed to qualify for CTY programs
If you've just registered for CTY and are unable to schedule a SCAT or STB test
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Financial Aid
General Financial Aid
What if I want to apply for financial aid, but do not have a copy of my tax returns and/or W-2(s)?
Are non-U.S. citizens eligible for financial aid?
Options if you applied but did not receive financial aid for an On-Campus Summer course
Talent Search
Is financial aid available for CTY Talent Search and/or programs?
Financial Aid Application
Financial Aid application - documents you'll need
Financial aid decision notification
Deposit due for a course when applying for financial aid
On-Campus Summer Programs
Classes, Coursework, and Activities
On-Campus Summer Programs instructional staff
School credit for CTY On-Campus and Online Programs courses
On-Campus Summer Programs classes and coursework
The course I requested is full. Is it possible to open an extra section of a class?
On-Campus Summer Programs Grade Policy
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Discovery Sampler
Emerging Eligibility
CTY Discovery Samplers Overview
Eligibility for Discovery Sampler courses
Can I mix and match courses for my Discovery Sampler?
Can my child take just two weeks of a three-week Discovery Sampler course?
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Eligibility, Tuition, Payment
Testing options for On-Campus Programs eligibility
Where to send a paper application, checks, and all other payment information for your CTY On-Campus Summer Programs course
How to pay for an On-Campus Summer Programs course
Age and grade requirements for On-Campus Summer courses
Medical Information and Special Accommodations
Arranging for your child to take their medication
Meal plans and dietary arrangements
Completing the CTY Medical Form
On-Campus Summer Programs immunization requirements
Management plans for allergies, asthma, diabetes at CTY On-Campus Summer sites
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Residential, Housing, and Site Information
Residential On-Campus Summer Programs Information
Before- and after-program care at summer day sites
Attending a summer residential site as a commuter
Site information
Supervision of students outside of class
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Travel/Visa Information
Traveling to an On-Campus Summer Programs site
Travel documents needed to enter the U.S.
Campus Addresses to use when filling out your visa documents
What is the visa process for international participants of CTY on-campus programs?
Online Programs
AP® exam registration
How do I get the MENSA discount for a CTY online course?
How do I pursue school credit for my child’s CTY online course?
How do students qualify for CTY Online Programs?
How to pay for a CTY Online Course
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Access and Technical Requirements
How do I access my CTY Online course?
How do I access my Johns Hopkins K12 email account?
Online courses technical requirements
What should I do if my child has trouble logging into their course?
Course Information
Choosing an Online Programs course
How is CTY’s online course content delivered?
How long will I have access to the course materials and instructor feedback?
Introduction to Forensics (NCAA Approved) - Course Materials
Maximum capacity for session-based and LIVE online courses
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2025 New Online Offerings
How do the new offerings compare to the existing LIVE courses?
If my child already took the in-person version of this course, would enrolling them in the online version be redundant and not recommended?
What are the formats for these courses? When and how often are the meeting times?
What differences besides modality are there between an in-person and an online version of the same course?
What is a challenge course?
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How are LIVE courses different from other CTY online courses?
When will I find out what the CTY LIVE course materials and associated costs are?
Will my child receive a grade for their CTY LIVE course?
Can my child attend the same CTY LIVE class at a different time slot or watch a recording to make up work if they miss a class time?
How do I change my synchronous class time for my LIVE course?
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CTY Human Resources
Recruitment: 2024 On-Campus Summer Programs
Typical daily schedule at CTY residential sites
Typical daily schedule at CTY day/commuter sites
2025 CTY On-Campus Summer Employment FAQs
CTY Student Support
Accommodations for Testing and Programs
Requesting accommodations for CTY testing and courses
What if I don’t have documentation to support a request for accommodations?
Social and Emotional Support at CTY
Social and emotional support at CTY
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk