The Online School and College Ability Test (Online SCAT) is split into two sections, verbal and quantitative, separated by an optional, student-directed 10-minute break.

The test is 50 questions per section and 20 minutes per section. Total testing time is typically under one hour.

Students in grades 2-12 can take the Online SCAT at home on a desktop, laptop, or Chromebook that has a webcam and meets other technical requirements. Students cannot take this test on a cell phone or tablet. Additional monitors are also not permitted.

The test fee is $60 per child. Payment support is available for income-eligible U.S. families.

To register: if you have not already, you should create a CTY account. Once your application is processed, you can register for the Online SCAT by following these steps:

  • Go to MyCTY and select “Parent” as the account type. You will need your child’s student ID to login. 
  • Select “Talent Search” in the left navigation bar.  
  • Select “Register to Test.” 
  • Then select “I would like to take the Online SCAT.”   

Once you have completed your registration, you will receive an email with next steps for testing.

Your unique test link will expire on June 30. However, we strongly recommend you test as soon as possible so your family can take full advantage of CTY's programs and services.

When your child is ready to test, you should stay in the room with them until the Online SCAT begins so you can assist with test setup and check-in. It takes 5-10 minutes for the parent to go through the system check and remote-proctoring requirements and sign the child into their test.

Once the test begins, your child should be alone in the room, unless you have submitted a request for accommodations, and that request has been approved. Tests will not be invalidated for parental assistance with a computer error.

Seven-10 days after your child completes the test, you will receive an email notifying you of the availability of your scores and digital certificate in MyCTY. 

Registration for the Online SCAT for the 2023-2024 academic year will close on June 23. You will not be able to register to test or retest for the online SCAT for the current academic year after that date. If you do wish to register for the Online SCAT for this academic year, you must do so before June 23. Your student must then complete the test before June 30.

Registration will reopen for the Online SCAT for next academic year on or around July 1.